Debbie Fowler

My name is Debbie Fowler and being an entrepreneur is a new adventure for me. Thankfully I am the adventurous type. It was a bold decision on my part to leave the typical workforce and start a business of my own. I worked for various companies over a span of 24 years. I don’t regret the opportunities I had, I just wish I would have thought of starting a business sooner. I realize that most people don’t take that leap of faith and completely change their life. Being your own boss sounds awesome, but it is a tough gig. You are responsible for everything and that was a lesson I had to learn. 

I knew this road would not be easy, but I was determined to make it work. I admit it, I was second guessing myself. Who wouldn’t? The difference is, survivors climb their way out of the negativity pool and focus on the positives.

When you get your first client, or make your first sale, it is like someone kicked a field goal and you were on the winning team. I was lucky because my family and closest friends were my biggest cheerleaders. The first lesson I learned was to steer clear of negativity.

I travel as much as I can and focus on doing things that make me happy. I heard someone say once that freedom really means that you are free to choose the life you want to lead. I made the choice to be free from a boring, monotonous, day-to-day job, in order to find something to hang my hat on and be proud of. 

I don’t regret a thing! I am a trainer and problem solver. I teach skills that people need to succeed and I show them ways they can do it better. I can’t tell you the number of manuals I created in my lifetime. I suppose that is why I resonated with the idea of being an entrepreneur. Now I can help a lot of people instead of a few.

I remember one day while I was sitting at my desk in my tiny cubicle I got to looking around and thinking, there has got to be something better out there. The commute to work was grating on me. I was wasting 2 hours a day driving to a job that I was no longer interested in. 

So, I started looking online for ways that I can work from home. 

In early 2017, I found an ad for affiliate marketing. I didn’t know much about it at the time, but it looked like something I would be interested in. I ended up joining an affiliate marketing group and started to learn all about ads, funnels, trackers, PPC, PPV, etc… The problem was, all they had were training videos. I had a lot of questions and no one talk to. I stuck with them for the next 3 months. 

While I was goofing off on Facebook one night, and I saw an ad for an affiliate marketing workshop. I thought, hey, I’m trying to learn more about affiliate marketing so I decided to go. It was the best decision of my life. 

Starting something new is scary and exciting at the same time. I am not an expert, but I can be with time. I love to research and I love learning new things. With affiliate marketing, you are learning something new all the time. 

As I learn new skills I can see myself, and my business, evolving. I like to experiment with different tools to find the right ones that will make a business run smoother. That is the tech nerd in me. I like shiny objects. But that also means that I can weed out the products and services that will not benefit my clients. I am dedicated to making life a little easier for entrepreneurs who unsure of what to do next. It’s my mission to help others succeed. 

There are a lot of companies out there that teach you the ins and outs of affiliate marketing. Find one that matches your beliefs and specializes in your niche.  It’s an awesome feeling when you’ve taken what you’ve learned, implemented it, and made a profit. It’s even better when you help others accomplish their goal.